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陳育群醫師,特別使用健保資料庫的百萬抽樣歸人檔,研究 12 歲以下兒科患者,其就醫行為模式為何:他們是誰?特徵是什麼?因為生什麼病而就診?
- 小於 1 歲的新生兒,是最少使用中醫的族群,顯著少於其他年齡組別。
- 「曾使用過中醫組」的孩子,保險更常附掛在媽媽的名下,媽媽常大於 35 歲,有中醫就診經驗,平均收入也較高。
- 孩子們去看中醫的主要原因,最多是過敏、呼吸道疾病、腸胃道疾病與骨骼肌肉疾病。
Chen HY, Lin YH, Wu JC, Chen YC, Thien PF, Chen TJ, Yang SH, Chen JL, Lo SS. Characteristics of pediatric traditional Chinese medicine users in Taiwan: a nationwide cohort study. Pediatrics. 2012; 129:e1485-1492.
BACKGROUND: Traditional chinese medicine (TCM) is one of the most commonly used complementary and alternative medicines. However, there is a paucity of epidemiologic reports on features of pediatric TCM users. As TCM services are fully reimbursed by National Health Insurance in Taiwan, this study used a nationwide cohort database to investigate demographics, diseases patterns, and parents’ characteristics of pediatric TCM users.
METHODS: Children aged <12 years were extracted from the National Health Insurance Research Database for analysis. These pediatric TCM users’ demographics, medical conditions, and reasons for medical services were compared with users of Western medicine by Poisson regression. Children who did not use any medical services were excluded.
RESULTS: Of 107,337 children who were enrolled and followed up in 2005, 19,669 children (18.3%) used TCM. Compared with Western medicine-only users, school-age children (aged 6-12 years), preschool age children (3-5 years), and toddlers (1-2 years) were more likely to use TCM than infants (<1 year; rate ratio = 4.47, 3.66 and 2.59, respectively; P < .001 for all). Parental factors were associated with more TCM use, including female gender, age >35 years, past experience with TCM, and higher income levels. Allergic reactions and respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and musculoskeletal problems were also associated with higher TCM use.
CONCLUSION: The use of TCM was correlated with both patient and parental factors, among which children’s age and parental TCM use were the most prominent. Additional studies on the efficacy of TCM are warranted.